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Onderzoeker en coördinator Doneer Je Ervaring

Vivian Engelen

Maandag t/m donderdag

Werkzaamheden van Vivian


"Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on cancer treatment: the patients' perspective", European Journal of Cancer (1 september 2020), PubMed.

"Discussing sexuality in cancer care: towards personalized information for cancer patients and survivors", Supportive Care of Cancer (28 september 2020), PubMed.

"Experiences and needs of patients with incurable cancer regarding advance care planning: results from a national cross-sectional survey", Supportive Care of Cancer (28 september 2020), PubMed.

"Sexuality in intimate partners of people with cancer: information and communication needs: a brief communication", Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (1 januari 2021), PubMed.

"Cancer survivors' experiences with conversations about work-related issues in the hospital setting", Psychooncology (30 januari 2021), PubMed.

"GP involvement after a cancer diagnosis; patients' call to improve decision support", BJGP Open (23 februari 2021), PubMed.

"Differences in health care experiences between rare cancer and common cancer patients: results from a national cross-sectional survey", Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (1 juni 2021), PubMed.

"Shared decision making in cancer treatment: a Dutch national survey on patients' preferences and perceptions", European Journal of Cancer Care (31 januari 2022), PubMed.

"Experiences of cancer survivors with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in the Netherlands: symptoms, daily limitations, involvement of healthcare professionals, and social support", Journal of Cancer Survivorship (24 mei 2023), PubMed.

"Quality of life of patients with rare cancer: a comparison with patients with colorectal cancer and the association with disease trajectory-related factors", Journal of Cancer Survivorship (17 augustus 2023), PubMed.

"Experienced financial toxicity among long-term cancer survivors: results from a national cross-sectional survey", Journal of Cancer Survivorship (3 september 2024), PubMed.

“Cijfers openen deuren. Met Doneer Je Ervaring geven we mensen met kanker een stem. Die stem laten we horen waar dat nodig is: in de politiek, in ziekenhuizen of in de media”

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